SRT Communications has donated $500,000 to Trinity Health Foundation’s Capital Campaign in support of Trinity’s new regional healthcare campus and medical district.
The morning of June 30, SRT officials joined Trinity Health on the new campus grounds and presented a ceremonial check for the construction project, currently underway. The hospital and adjoining medical office building stood tall in the background.
“Access to quality health services is crucial to any thriving community, and we are fortunate to have this new regional healthcare campus and medical district in our area,” said Cassidy Hjelmstad, CEO and General Manager of SRT. “Like Trinity Health, SRT is committed to building out state-of-the-art services for communities throughout north central North Dakota. We are proud to support this capital campaign and, more importantly, to partner with Trinity for the future of healthcare in the region.”
SRT’s fiber network forms the foundation of complex critical infrastructure, not only for Trinity’s impressive new regional healthcare campus, but also for government, financial institutions, and two legs of the US Military’s defense triad.
Kristi Miller, SRT Board President, added the perspective of a telecommunications cooperative: “One of the core principles of cooperatives is Concern for Community. We live by this principle every day as we serve the people of North Dakota, and we see this principle in Trinity Health. This significant construction project truly demonstrates Trinity’s drive and commitment to our communities.”
Trinity Health Foundation has committed to raising $15 million through corporate and private donations toward the total estimated construction cost of $500 million. The regional healthcare campus and medical district is projected to open Spring 2023.