

Rooted in Cooperative Principles

SRT is proud of the philosophy that inspired our beginnings and guides us to this day. We became a cooperative in 1951, when the Verendrye Electric board saw a real need for telephone service in rural north central North Dakota. Since then SRT has grown into the state’s largest telecommunications cooperative.

Roughly 60 years later SRT evolved from telephone to broadband. Once again, our cooperative foundation allowed us to serve another real need: Bridging the digital divide and connecting rural communities throughout our territory with high-speed fiber. The spirit of connecting people to opportunity continues whether the technology is phone lines or today’s gig internet.

SRT is committed to making our region an exceptional place to live, learn, work, and enjoy for everyone. All people should have access to the same level of telecommunications service regardless of where they live. We bring the latest tools and technology not only to townspeople but to once-isolated rural farms, enriching the unique quality of life in these areas with in-place connections to the world.

Bridging the Digital Divide

Broadband internet bridges the digital divide so communities of all sizes can flourish. A fiber network does more than level access to information, services, and choice across geographic distances. It also defies the binary perception that opportunity only exists in large metro areas with crowding and congestion, and peaceful living only exists in remote small towns devoid of jobs or amenities.

SRT’s network of buried fiber attracts businesses to rural locations, bringing jobs, stimulating local economies, and expanding commerce outside the region. Companies on our broadband network, even in the smallest communities, can compete in the global marketplace and sell products all over the world. Residents can raise their families in friendly towns with affordable housing and access to exceptional education and top-tier healthcare.

This digital technology brings new opportunity while preserving all the reasons to love living and working in rural America. Watch our video to learn more.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide competitively priced, high quality communications services which are responsive to the needs of our customers.

We recognize that our employees are vital to the implementation of this mission, and we will strive to equip them with the tools necessary to attain our goals and objectives.

We are committed to being good stewards of our owners’ investment, to ensure long term financial viability.

Our Vision

To be recognized by our customers, employees, and the communities we serve as an innovative company, dedicated to making the lives of those we serve better by virtue of the services that we offer them.

Our Values

Highest Standards of Integrity: We are honest and ethical in all our business dealings, starting with how we treat each other. We keep our promises and admit our mistakes.

Respect: We are open and respectful to others; treating them with dignity and recognizing the value of individual and cultural differences.

Dedication to Our Customers: We build enduring relationships by understanding and anticipating our customers’ needs, striving to deliver superior products and services that help them achieve their personal and business goals.

History of SRT

SRT was born as a vision to bring telephone service to local residents. Over the years, we have expanded our territory as well as the products and services that we offer. We are always looking forward to be sure that we are staying on the leading edge of technology for our members.

Meet Our Board

SRT’s Board of Directors is made up of twelve members from throughout our service territory, with three directors from each of our four districts. Directors are elected at the SRT Annual Meeting for a three year term. They strive to represent the needs of the people, businesses, and communities in their area.

Not sure if you are located in the SRT Service Area?

Capital Credits at SRT

As a member of the SRT Cooperative, you are the recipient of patronage capital credits on your SRT account. Read more to help you understand your cooperative, how it differs from an investor owned utility and what capital credits mean to you.