SRT Distributes $1.8 Million in Capital Credits to Members
SRT Distributes $1.8 Million in Capital Credits to Members

MINOT, N.D. – SRT Communications will be distributing $1,824,596 in credits back to its members.
SRT’s Board of Directors approved SRT to issue checks that include a portion of the 2000 allocation and a portion of the 2022 allocation. Checks will be mailed out in early June.
“Capital credits are a core benefit of belonging to a cooperative,” said Kristi Miller, SRT Board President. “SRT values our membership and enjoys sharing the good news of our financial health with them. These capital credits represent our members’ ownership equity.”
SRT Capital Credits in Four Steps
- At the end of the fiscal year, SRT determines whether there are excess revenues, called margins.
- The margins are allocated to members as capital credits based on the amount spent by the member during the year.
- The Board of Directors decides to retire, or pay, the capital credits when the cooperative’s financial condition allows.
- Members are notified how and when they will receive their capital credit distribution.
Members should inform SRT of changes to their current mailing address to ensure they receive any future capital credit retirements.
For more information on capital credits, visit or call 701-858-1200.
SRT Communications, headquartered in Minot, North Dakota, is the state’s largest telecommunications cooperative. Established in 1951, SRT employs nearly 190 people and serves roughly 8,000 square miles and 24,000 customers across north central North Dakota. SRT earned the distinction as a Certified Gig-Capable Provider in 2017. Services include high-speed internet, phone, and security/surveillance systems for home and business.
May Tech Tip: Setting a Strong Password
May Tech Tip: Setting a Strong Password

With summer here, vacations and lake weekends tend to be top of mind rather than cyber security. Protecting your personal information and data is very important any time of year, and one of the most basic ways to do that is through strong passwords. Here are a few tips about password setting, management, and things to consider.
1. Have a Variety of Passwords
As tempting as it may be, try to not use the same password for multiple things. Varying passwords will limit the risk of someone accessing multiple accounts if they gain access to one.
2. Use Passphrases
Passwords and passphrases are different, and passphrases are better. Passwords are typically a combination of a single word with additional characters such as numbers and symbols. Passphrases are a series of multiple words with numbers and symbols. These words should be seemingly random to each other but have meaning and are easy to remember for you. For example, c0ffee54321 is an example of a simple password, but lovecoffeeeveryday19285 takes the word and makes a more complex phrase with a random number sequence which is much harder to crack.
3.Update Frequently
Change your passwords often. While this may seem tedious, it will reduce the risk of your information being compromised.
4. Use a Password Manager
There are many apps and services that provide password management. Research online before deciding which one is best for your needs.
5. Never Use Personal Information
Avoid names and important dates. Bad actors will often use social media to gain access to information such as important family members or pet names, your own name, or birthdays which are commonly used in passwords.
6. Improve Password Strength
The longer the password, the better. Many sites require an 8-character minimum password. However, industry experts suggest 14-16 characters at minimum, but more is always better. This is where passphrases and unique symbols can help with reaching the character count.