Pic of house that is in our security ads

Protect What You Love


Protect the people, places & furry faces you love.

Of the estimated 2.5 million burglaries that are committed every year in the United States, more than half are home invasions.

When it comes to protecting your loved ones, you can never be too careful. With a customized home security system from SRT, you can control your locks, adjust your lights and thermostat, monitor your home, and more—all from one device.

We’re here to help–literally.

We won’t just leave you with a bunch of gadgets and say “good luck.” SRT will take care of installing, monitoring, and maintaining your home security system. And because we are a local provider, if you run into any issues, you can simply give us a call and one of our technicians will be there right away to ensure your system is running smoothly.

Find a security package that’s right for your family!

Schedule a FREE assessment of your home & custom safety needs.